In the Band of Four series that started with The Kingless Land, Ed Greenwood introduced the land of Aglirta through the exploits of a band of four brave adventurers.
But this world has not yet revealed all its tales.
The Silent House
A Chronicle of Aglirta
The Silvertree Stronghold is more than just the family estate of the feared and awed Silvertree dynasty whose wizardly powers and political cunning has survived through many generations.
But with their power comes a curse.
A curse more terrifying than rival warlords or the mystical threats of the dreaded faceless — an inward corruption of the soul that binds one’s power to a downward spiral of madness and magic.
The Stronghold goes by the name of The Silent House. It is a soul repository for this dynasty.
Two daring treasure hunters hope to profit from unlocking the secrets of its past and harvesting the powers of its bounty … but unbeknownst to them an observer watches their every move, and waits to make his presence known from the halls of eternity.
The Silent House is a Chronicle of Aglirta, the multigenerational tale of a powerful and feared wizardly dynasty.