“Anji Kills a King is a masterful debut, with breakneck pacing and a main character whose relentless tenacity makes her an absolute joy to read. The ending is perfect, and I can’t wait to see where the story goes from here.”—Nicholas Eames, author of Kings of the Wyld
“A stunning debut, fast-paced and as grim as grimdark gets, relentless till the end.”—Glen Cook, author of The Black Company
“Leikam catapults onto the scene with this unforgettable debut that adds a refreshing new note to the beloved choir of dark fantasy. Fans of breakneck pacing, quippy characters, and grimdark with heart should run, not walk, to the bookstore for this one.”—MJ Kuhn, author of Among Thieves and Thick as Thieves
“A spellbinding, cleverly layered tale of resilience and unshakable spirit. A true grimdark fantasy adventure!”—Andy Peloquin, author of Darkblade