“Ashby has created an eerily familiar future world and characters who are both sympathetic and horrific. Give to fans of Patricia Highsmith and Naomi Alderman.” —Library Journal
Praise for Company Town:
“The skill with which Ashby introduces her various SF elements is worthy of the best Heinlein…. Company Town never falters in its pacing. It’s a terrific ride.” —Locus
“The world is an updated version of Raymond Chandler’s, with gray morals and broken characters, and Hwa’s internal monologue has just the right balance of introspection and wit…[a] very solid page-turner.” —Publishers Weekly
“A fascinating mix of detective noir and near-future SF with cinematic world building and a broken, but resilient, unquestionably badass heroine.” —Booklist
“Ashby’s action scenes come thick and fast…the ideas, setting and relationships that make the story really worth reading.” —New Zealand Herald
“Madeline Ashby bludgeons cyberpunk to death with this post-climate change thriller about life aboard a gas platform, confronting an uncomfortable new future.”–Charlie Stross, author of the Laundry Files series
“This is brave, bold, crazy storytelling at the edge and doesn’t read like anything else I’ve seen up or down the pike.”–Chuck Wendig, New York Times bestselling author of Aftermath