In this cutting-edge installment of the acclaimed thriller series, New York Times bestselling author Eric Van Lustbader thrusts readers into a world where power is being redefined by a revolutionary communication program that renders modern encryption obsolete, one that will topple global power structures and give rise to technology-driven totalitarian states.
Evan Ryder races against time in a landscape where secrets can no longer hide behind digital walls.
Ilona Shokova, the elusive, deadly assassin White Wolf, holds the key to mastering this unhackable method.
Two powerful, deadly women, one quest. Will either one of them survive?
In this pulse-pounding thriller, the future isn't just written in code - it's locked behind it.
Strap in for Lustbader's next explosive novel in the Evan Ryder series; an action-packed rollercoaster that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very last page.