Historical Sort By: All New Releases Coming Soon The Raiders: Sons of Texas Elmer Kelton Star Path W. Michael Gear, Kathleen O'Neal Gear Aztec Autumn Gary Jennings The Fallon Trilogy Robert Jordan People of the Canyons Kathleen O'Neal Gear, W. Michael Gear The Devil’s Half Mile Paddy Hirsch Finn Mac Cool Llywelyn, Morgan Aztec Revenge Gary Jennings, Junius Podrug It Dreams in Me Kathleen O'Neal Gear The Devil’s Door Sharan Newman Lionhearts Nathan Makaryk Sarah Orson Scott Card Moon Hunt W. Michael Gear, Kathleen O'Neal Gear Irish Above All Mary Pat Kelly Sons of Texas Elmer Kelton Aztec Rage Gary Jennings, Robert Gleason, Junius Podrug 1972: A Novel of Ireland’s Unfinished Revolution Morgan Llywelyn Strong as Death Sharan Newman Hypersonic Thunder Walter J. Boyne Rebekah Orson Scott Card The Spirit of the Border Zane Grey 1999 Morgan Llywelyn People of the Silence Kathleen O'Neal Gear, W. Michael Gear 1949 Morgan Llywelyn The Fallon Pride Robert Jordan Reagan O'Neal 1 … 3 4 5 6 7